Entrepreneurship for Youth and Women in Rural Environments

We assist in:

  • Promoting and disseminating entrepreneurial culture in rural areas.
  • Facilitating contact between entrepreneurs through networking, idea exchange, and mutual collaboration for the development of their respective projects, fostering the creation of common work teams.
  • Being catalysts and promoters of innovative, creative, and imaginative ideas capable of generating greater future prospects in disadvantaged rural environments, thus creating synergies to ensure sustainability.
  • Promoting entrepreneurship as an economic and social engine in predominantly rural villages or areas, encouraging eco-sustainable growth.
  • Disseminating the values and quality of life associated with entrepreneurship in rural areas as a means of revitalizing rural regions.
  • Assisting entrepreneurs who want to establish their projects in rural areas through practical training, characterized by real-life experiences shared by other entrepreneurs who want to convey their insights, what they have learned from their entrepreneurial journey, not just what is found in books.

Belonging to associations or collectives and creating synergies is key to ensuring that projects endure and consolidate in rural areas.

Rural areas are full of possibilities; we only need to create the necessary opportunities for educated youth to invest their time and knowledge. In return, the rural environment will provide them with a quality of life for themselves and their families.