
The E-GREEN project aims to improve road safety for primary school children, specifically in the use of bicycles and electric scooters. To do so, E-Green will provide information and tools to assist schools in developing a road safety plan to reduce the risk of accidents on the journey to and from school.

KA220-SCH 2023


The general objectives are:

  • To educate primary school children (aged 9-12) about road safety when using bicycles and electric scooters.
  • To create practical resources and awareness campaigns to help children to be safe on the roads.
  • To teach traffic rules and road rules to children.
  • To equip children with practical street skills.
  • To promote safe and responsible cycling and electric scooter habits.


The main results are:

  • Theoretical knowledge and practical skills to move safely by bicycle and electric scooter.
  • Positive attitude towards road safety and greater involvement of children in making safe decisions on the road.
  • Creation of a Road Safety Manual and other resources for schools.
  • Integration of road safety education into the school curriculum.
  • Involvement of pupils in road safety campaigns.
  • Reduction of accidents among children on bicycles and electric scooters.



